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1st Annual Leader's School Retreat a Huge Success!

This past weekend we were thrilled to have 30 high school students from all over Maine and New England at The Wilderness Center at Camp Jordan. This group of Leader's School alumni and future campers spent the weekend discussing values, why camp is so important to them and their peers, and how they can make a positive difference in their communities. They also played games, completed initiatives, and participated in a camp clean up effort.

Most importantly these Leaders enjoyed the novelty and joy of spending time with camp friends they usually only see for a fast paced week in August! We were so excited to be able to spend time at camp in April. We had beautiful weather during the day and fought off the evening chill with a bonfire and plenty of S'Mores.

Zen swim is a morning tradition at the Middle and High School Leader's School camps, shortly after the wake up bell rings the whole camp comes down to the waterfront for an early morning dip, usually accompanied by some silent theatrics. Usually this occurs in mid-August when temperatures average over 80 degrees. That was not the case this past weekend! In 40 degree weather, Sunday morning everyone donned their swim suits to participate in a record setting early morning dip!

This weekend got us so excited for camp and we can not wait to see you there! It has been fun to see who is going to be joining us as registrations come in, we'll be keeping an eye out for yours!

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